End-to-End Example

End-to-End example in R

For those who want to use ModMashup in R and reproduce the experiment above.

  1. I have developed a ModMashup command line tool for R's calling.

  2. To wrap Julia's command line tool in R, I created two function to facilitate the procedure.One is runMashup.R, which is the main function to call mashup command line tool. Another one is mashup_runCV_featureSet.R, a wrapper function around runMashup.R to facilitate selection of interested networks.

Required Dependencies

Make sure you have julia which is above the version 0.5+ and also R. You can download latest julia from the official website.

Enter where latest netDX_mashup packages located.

cd netDx_mashup

First install netDX R pakcage.

$ R

Then install ModMashup dependency.

$ cd netDx/inst/julia
$ bash install.sh

Test ModMashup package to ensure you have correctly installed it.

$ julia -e 'Pkg.test("ModMashup")'

If the test has passed, everything should be working now.


This tutorial shows the steps to build a breast tumour classifier using ModMashup and GeneMANIA(To enable GeneMANIA parts, you need to uncomment GeneMANIA's code below) by integrating gene expression. To keep things simple, in this tutorial we build a binary classifier that discriminates between the Luminal A and other subtypes. You can find the source code of the tutorial at gist and generated pdf report.

Through this Tutorial, we will use the following capabilities of ModMashup:

  1. Perform feature selection on the training set

  2. Assess performance on the test set

The algorithm proceeds in two steps:

  1. Feature selection

  2. Predicting classes of test samples

Set up environment

#Uncoment GeneMANIA parts to compare it with Mashup using #same queries


# Change this to a local directory where you have write permission
outDir <- sprintf("%s/TCGA_BRCA",getwd())
cat(sprintf("All intermediate files are stored in:\n%s\n",outDir))

numCores 	<- 2L  	# num cores available for parallel processing
GMmemory 	<- 4L  	# java memory in Gb
cutoff		<- 9L  	# score cutoff for feature-selected networks
TRAIN_PROP <- 0.67 	# fraction of samples to use for training

if (file.exists(outDir)) unlink(outDir,recursive=TRUE)
Load the netDx software and data packages. Finally, load the breast cancer dataset.
# import the required packages
Split the train and test
subtypes<- c("LumA")
pheno$STATUS[which(!pheno$STATUS %in% subtypes)] <- "other"
subtypes <- c(subtypes,"other") # add residual

pheno$TT_STATUS <- splitTestTrain(pheno,
                                  pctT = TRAIN_PROP,setSeed = 42)
Create similairty network
pheno_FULL	<- pheno
xpr_FULL 	<- xpr
pheno		<- subset(pheno,TT_STATUS %in% "TRAIN")
xpr			<- xpr[,which(colnames(xpr)%in% pheno$ID)]

## Pathway
pathFile <- sprintf("%s/extdata/Human_160124_AllPathways.gmt", 
pathwayList <- readPathways(pathFile)
Gene data networks

From gene expression data, we create one network per cellular pathway. Similarity between two patients is defined as the Pearson correlation of the expression vector; each network is limited to genes for the corresponding pathway.

profDir <- sprintf("%s/profiles",outDir)
netDir <- sprintf("%s/networks",outDir)

netList <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(xpr, rownames(xpr), 

netList <- unlist(netList)

## Create GM database and also interaction 'txt' file
#dbDir	<- GM_createDB(profDir, pheno$ID, outDir,numCores=numCores)
Feature selection for each class

The goal of this step is to extract the networks that are most predictive of a given class. For each subtype, here "LumA" and "other", feature selection is performed once.

Remember to set mashup_runCV_featureSet's keyword write_query to FALSE if you want to uncomment GeneMANIA's code so that mashup will use query files generated by GeneMANIA for comparing the result.

top_net_file <- list()
mashup_tally <- list()
for (g in subtypes) {
  pDir <- sprintf("%s/%s",outDir,g)
  if (file.exists(pDir)) unlink(pDir,recursive=TRUE)
  cat(sprintf("\n******\nSubtype %s\n",g))
  pheno_subtype <- pheno
  ## label patients not in the current class as a residual
  pheno_subtype$STATUS[which(!pheno_subtype$STATUS %in% g)] <- "nonpred"
  ## sanity check
  GM_resDir    <- sprintf("%s/GM_results",pDir)
  Mashup_resDir <- sprintf("%s/Mashup_results",pDir)
  ## query for feature selection comprises of training 
  ## samples from the class of interest
  trainPred <- pheno$ID[which(pheno$STATUS %in% g)]
  ######$$Here we call GeneMANIA feature network selection################
  # Cross validation for genemania
  #GM_runCV_featureSet(trainPred, GM_resDir, dbDir$dbDir, 
  #                  nrow(pheno_subtype),verbose=T, numCores=numCores,
  #                    GMmemory=GMmemory)
  # patient similarity ranks
  #prank <- dir(path=GM_resDir,pattern="PRANK$")
  ## network ranks
  #nrank <- dir(path=GM_resDir,pattern="NRANK$")
  #cat(sprintf("Got %i prank files\n",length(prank)))

  # Compute network score
  #pTally	<- GM_networkTally(paste(GM_resDir,nrank,sep="/"))
  # write to file
  #tallyFile	<- sprintf("%s/%s_pathway_CV_score_genemania.txt",GM_resDir,g)
  # Cross validation for mashup
  # remember to set keyword write_query = FALSE if you want to uncomment GeneMANIA algorithm,
  # which indicates mashup will use query file from genemania instead of 
  # generating query files by itself, so the query files are shared between genemania and 
  # mashup for further comparation.
  mashup_res <- mashup_runCV_featureSet(profDir, GM_resDir, pheno_subtype, trainID_pred = trainPred,
                                        write_query = TRUE, smooth = TRUE, verbose=T, 
                                        numCores = numCores, cut_off = cutoff)
  # List of selected top networks name
  mashup_tally[[g]] <- mashup_res$tally
  # Selected top networks txt file name
  top_net_file[[g]] <- mashup_res$top_net
  cat(sprintf("Mashup-%s: %i networks\n",g,length(mashup_tally[[g]])))
Rank test patients using trained model
pheno <- pheno_FULL
predRes_GM <- list()
predRes_mashup <- list()
for (g in subtypes) {
  pDir <- sprintf("%s/%s",outDir,g)
  # get GeneMANIA's feature selected net names
  #pTally <- read.delim(
  #pTally <- pTally[which(pTally[,2]>=cutoff),1]
  #pTally <- sub(".profile","",pTally)
  #pTally <- sub("_cont","",pTally)
  #cat(sprintf("%s: %i pathways\n",g,length(pTally)))
  #profDir_GM <- sprintf("%s/profiles_GM",pDir)
  profDir_mashup <- sprintf("%s/profiles_mashup",pDir)
  # prepare nets for net mashup db
  tmp <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(xpr_FULL,rownames(xpr),
                             pathwayList[which(names(pathwayList)%in% mashup_tally[[g]])],
  # prepare nets for new genemania db
  #tmp <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(xpr_FULL,rownames(xpr),
  #                           pathwayList[which(names(pathwayList)%in% pTally)],
  #                           profDir_GM,verbose=F,numCores=numCores)
  # create db
  #dbDir <- GM_createDB(profDir_GM,pheno$ID,pDir,numCores=numCores)
  # Delete existed result file in case conflicts.
  redundant_result_file <- list.files(path = sprintf("%s", pDir), pattern = "query")
  unlink(paste0(pDir, "/",redundant_result_file))
  # query of all training samples for this class
  qSamps <- pheno$ID[which(pheno$STATUS %in% g & pheno$TT_STATUS%in%"TRAIN")]
  qFile <- sprintf("%s/%s_query",pDir,g)
  # Running patient ranking for mashup
  mashup_resFile <- runMashup(profDir_mashup, qFile, pheno, top_net = top_net_file[[g]], ranking = TRUE, 
                              smooth = TRUE)
  # Save the reresult.
  predRes_mashup[[g]] <- GM_getQueryROC(mashup_resFile, pheno, g, plotIt=TRUE)

  ## Running patient ranking for genemania
  #Genemania_resFile <- runGeneMANIA(dbDir$dbDir,qFile,resDir=pDir)
  # Analysis the ROC
  #predRes_GM[[g]] <- GM_getQueryROC(sprintf("%s.PRANK",Genemania_resFile),pheno, g, plotIt=TRUE)
Assign labels to test patients

Here we use GM_OneVAll_getClass() to label patients by max rank and finally evaluate the performance of the classifier.

## Stats for Mashup result
predClass_mashup <- GM_OneVAll_getClass(predRes_mashup)
cat("Start Print result of mashup..")
both <- merge(x=pheno,y=predClass_mashup,by="ID")
pos <- (both$STATUS %in% "LumA")
tp <- sum(both$PRED_CLASS[pos]=="LumA")
fp <- sum(both$PRED_CLASS[!pos]=="LumA")
tn <- sum(both$PRED_CLASS[!pos]=="other")
fn <- sum(both$PRED_CLASS[pos]=="other")
cat(sprintf("Accuracy = %i of %i (%i %%)\n",tp+tn,nrow(both),
cat(sprintf("PPV = %i %%\n", round((tp/(tp+fp))*100)))
cat(sprintf("Recall = %i %%\n", round((tp/(tp+fn))*100)))

## Stats for GeneMANIA result
#predClass_GM <- GM_OneVAll_getClass(predRes_GM)
#cat("Start Print result of genemania")
#both <- merge(x=pheno,y=predClass_GM,by="ID")
#pos <- (both$STATUS %in% "LumA")
#tp <- sum(both$PRED_CLASS[pos]=="LumA")
#fp <- sum(both$PRED_CLASS[!pos]=="LumA")
#tn <- sum(both$PRED_CLASS[!pos]=="other")
#fn <- sum(both$PRED_CLASS[pos]=="other")
#cat(sprintf("Accuracy = %i of %i (%i %%)\n",tp+tn,nrow(both),
#            round(((tp+tn)/nrow(both))*100)))
#cat(sprintf("PPV = %i %%\n", round((tp/(tp+fp))*100)))
#cat(sprintf("Recall = %i %%\n", round((tp/(tp+fn))*100)))


netDX BreastCancer example