本文主要整理下AI中最常用搜索算法, 包括BFS, A*
本文作为Ng机器学习课程的笔记, 其实开始渐渐续续的看过一些, 但是都是间断的看的, 没有系统性, 所以这次准备从头开始刷一遍, 同时包括习题.
本笔记已基本完成, PDF在此下载.
Some notes recorded during the learning data structure and algorithms
常见的数据结构(ADT)有, 链表, 栈, 队列, 有限队列和堆, 表(unique elements), 哈希表, 树(无圈的图), 图.
常见的算法有, 排序, 查找, 图, 字符串.
策略, 分治, 贪心, 动规, BFS, DFS, 模拟.
Analyse julia package’s source code to learn coding tips. Below are some notes.
一些机器学习tips的笔记, 可能会比较杂, 持续更新..
Because there is not a good label propagation library in julia, and LightGraph packages’s implementation seems useless, I have finished a basic implementation of label propagation algorithm in julia, which I will further optimize for high-performance computing.
My to-do list for this implementation includes
By the way, this implementation is actually quite quick now.
I have put my code in github.
我目前发现R和Python上有一些开源的不错的网络分析的库, 如igraph, epimodel, networkx. Matlab方面则有Brain connectivity toolbox, matlabGBL. 还有斯坦福的SNAP平台.
网络科学导论 汪小帆
复杂网络算法与应用 司守奎
complex networks course
List of Resources for Complex Network Analysis
For GSOC, I am about to read through the julia language and master it’s high performance and parallel computing features.
There is a good article talking about julia Why am I Betting on Julia.
As a language designed for science computing.
What we care is
I have divided this article into five sections recording the notes I write during the learning path.
话说这个学期基本都是没有什么目标的在学…基本在看机器学习和深度学习的东西, 但是一个学期过去了, 虽然没怎么去上课, 代码写了挺多的, 但是感觉到了最后没有收获太多东西, 绩点倒没有下降- -虽然这学期上课基本没听过讲…, 但是复习了一个月, 感觉代码水平又下降了(雾
本文对最近使用simulink做的一些东西做一下总结, 虽然simulink的书看的还是比较多的, 但是由于本身没有做这方面的项目, 所以也没太实战, 最近用到有两个地方, 这里就总结一下.
本文作为贝叶斯方法与图模型学习笔记, 代码(
图很好的解释了贝叶斯模型与贝叶斯公式, 在拥有先验知识的情况下, 接受外来数据(likelihood), 在此数据下形成后验概率.