Because there is not a good label propagation library in julia, and LightGraph packages’s implementation seems useless, I have finished a basic implementation of label propagation algorithm in julia, which I will further optimize for high-performance computing.
My to-do list for this implementation includes
- Utilize sparse matrix for speeding
- Add some tricks that can be used to optimize the computing
- Parallel computing feature
By the way, this implementation is actually quite quick now.
I have put my code in github.
Example shown below uses Gadfly to draw the plot, so an installation of Gadfly is required.
using labelPropagation
num_unlabel_samples = 800
Mat_Label, labels, Mat_Unlabel = loadCircleData(num_unlabel_samples)
iter = round(linspace(1,70,5))
res = []
for i in iter
unlabel_data_labels = label_propagation(Mat_Label, Mat_Unlabel, labels, kernel_type = "knn", knn_num_neighbors = 10, max_iter = i)
push!(res, unlabel_data_labels)
res = reduce(hcat, res)
show_example(Mat_Label, labels, Mat_Unlabel, res)
It can be seen that as the iteration carries, label propagates between each nodes.
For more detail, you can access the source code.
Label propagation in the context of this module refers to a set of semisupervised classification algorithms. In the high level, these algorithms work by forming a fully-connected graph between all points given and solving for the steady-state distribution of labels at each point.
These algorithms perform very well in practice. The cost of running can be very expensive, at approximately O(N^3) where N is the number of (labeled and unlabeled) points. The theory (why they perform so well) is motivated by intuitions from random walk algorithms and geometric relationships in the data.
Implementation Detail
label propagation function
# label propagation
function label_propagation(Mat_Label, Mat_Unlabel, labels; kernel_type = "rbf", rbf_sigma = 1.5,
knn_num_neighbors = 10, max_iter = 500, tol = 1e-3)
# initialize
num_label_samples = size(Mat_Label,1)
num_unlabel_samples = size(Mat_Unlabel,1)
num_samples = num_label_samples + num_unlabel_samples
labels_list = unique(labels)
num_classes = length(labels_list)
MatX = vcat(Mat_Label, Mat_Unlabel)
clamp_data_label = zeros(num_label_samples, num_classes)
if any(labels == 0)
for i in 1:num_label_samples
clamp_data_label[i,labels[i]+1] = 1.0
for i in 1:num_label_samples
clamp_data_label[i,labels[i]] = 1.0
label_function = zeros(num_samples, num_classes)
label_function[1:num_label_samples,:] = clamp_data_label
label_function[num_label_samples+1:num_samples,:] = -1
# graph construction
affinity_matrix = buildGraph(MatX, kernel_type, rbf_sigma, knn_num_neighbors)
# start to propagation
iter = 0;
pre_label_function = zeros(num_samples, num_classes)
changed = sum(abs(pre_label_function - label_function))
while iter < max_iter && changed > tol
##if iter % 1 == 0
# println("---> Iteration $(iter)/$(max_iter), changed: $changed")
pre_label_function = label_function
iter += 1
# propagation
label_function = affinity_matrix * label_function
# clamp
label_function[1 : num_label_samples, :] = clamp_data_label
# check converge
changed = sum(abs(pre_label_function - label_function))
# get terminate label of unlabeled data
unlabel_data_labels = zeros(num_unlabel_samples)
for i in 1:num_unlabel_samples
unlabel_data_labels[i] = indmax(label_function[i+num_label_samples,:])
return unlabel_data_labels
# if affinity_matrix is given
function label_propagation(affinity_matrix, labels; kernel_type = "rbf", rbf_sigma = 1.5,
knn_num_neighbors = 10, max_iter = 500, tol = 1e-3)
# initialize
num_label_samples = size(labels,1)
num_samples = size(affinity_matrix,1)
num_unlabel_samples = num_samples - num_label_samples
labels_list = unique(labels)
num_classes = length(labels_list)
clamp_data_label = zeros(num_label_samples, num_classes)
if any(labels == 0)
for i in 1:num_label_samples
clamp_data_label[i,labels[i]+1] = 1.0
for i in 1:num_label_samples
clamp_data_label[i,labels[i]] = 1.0
label_function = zeros(num_samples, num_classes)
label_function[1:num_label_samples,:] = clamp_data_label
label_function[num_label_samples+1:num_samples,:] = -1
# start to propagation
iter = 0;
pre_label_function = zeros(num_samples, num_classes)
changed = sum(abs(pre_label_function - label_function))
while iter < max_iter && changed > tol
##if iter % 1 == 0
# println("---> Iteration $(iter)/$(max_iter), changed: $changed")
pre_label_function = label_function
iter += 1
# propagation
label_function = affinity_matrix * label_function
# clamp
label_function[1 : num_label_samples, :] = clamp_data_label
# check converge
changed = sum(abs(pre_label_function - label_function))
# get terminate label of unlabeled data
unlabel_data_labels = zeros(num_unlabel_samples)
for i in 1:num_unlabel_samples
unlabel_data_labels[i] = indmax(label_function[i+num_label_samples,:])
return unlabel_data_labels
knn computing
function navie_knn(dataSet, query, k)
numSamples = size(dataSet,1)
## step 1: calculate Euclidean distance
diff = repmat(query,1,numSamples)' - dataSet
squaredDiff = diff.^2
squaredDist = vec(sum(squaredDiff, 2))
sortedDistIndices = sortperm(squaredDist)
if k > length(sortedDistIndices)
k = length(sortedDistIndices)
return sortedDistIndices[1:k]
affinity_matrix computing
function buildGraph(MatX, kernel_type, rbf_sigma = nothing, knn_num_neighbors = nothing)
num_samples = size(MatX,1)
affinity_matrix = zeros(num_samples, num_samples)
if kernel_type == "rbf"
if rbf_sigma == nothing
error("You should input a sigma of rbf kernel!")
for i in 1:num_samples
row_sum = 0.0
for j in 1:num_samples
diff = MatX[i, :] - MatX[j, :]
affinity_matrix[i,j] = exp(sum(diff.^2) / (-2.0 * rbf_sigma^2))
row_sum += affinity_matrix[i,j]
affinity_matrix[i,:] /= row_sum
elseif kernel_type == "knn"
if knn_num_neighbors == nothing
error("You should input a k of knn kernel!")
for i in 1:num_samples
k_neighbors = navie_knn(MatX, MatX[i, :], knn_num_neighbors)
affinity_matrix[i, k_neighbors] = 1.0 / knn_num_neighbors
erro("Not support kernel type! You can use knn or rbf!")
return affinity_matrix
Data for demonstration
function loadCircleData(num_data)
center = [5.0, 5.0]
radiu_inner = 2
radiu_outer = 4
num_inner = floor(num_data / 3)
num_outer = num_data - num_inner
data = []
theta = 0.0
for i in 1:num_inner
pho = (theta % 360) * pi / 180
tmp = zeros(1,2)
tmp[1] = radiu_inner * cos(pho) + rand() + center[1]
tmp[2] = radiu_inner * sin(pho) + rand() + center[2]
theta += 2
theta = 0.0
for i in 1:num_outer
pho = (theta % 360) * pi / 180
tmp = zeros(1,2)
tmp[1] = radiu_outer * cos(pho) + rand() + center[1]
tmp[2] = radiu_outer * sin(pho) + rand() + center[2]
theta += 1
Mat_Label = zeros(2, 2)
Mat_Label[1,:] = center + [ 0.5 - radiu_inner , 0]
Mat_Label[2,:] = center + [ 0.5 - radiu_outer , 0]
labels = [1, 2]
Mat_Unlabel = reduce(vcat,data)
return Mat_Label, labels, Mat_Unlabel
function loadBandData(num_unlabel_samples)
#Mat_Label = np.array([[5.0, 2.], [5.0, 8.0]])
#labels = [0, 1]
#Mat_Unlabel = np.array([[5.1, 2.], [5.0, 8.1]])
Mat_Label = [5.0 2;5.0 8.0]
labels = [1, 2]
num_dim = size(Mat_Label,2)
Mat_Unlabel = zeros(num_unlabel_samples, num_dim)
Mat_Unlabel[num_unlabel_samples/2, :] = (rand(num_unlabel_samples/2, num_dim) - 0.5) * np.array([3, 1]) + Mat_Label[0]
Mat_Unlabel[num_unlabel_samples/2 : num_unlabel_samples, :] = (np.random.rand(num_unlabel_samples/2, num_dim) - 0.5) * np.array([3, 1]) + Mat_Label[1]
return Mat_Label, labels, Mat_Unlabel
For Demonstration Plot
function show_example(Mat_Label, labels, Mat_Unlabel, unlabel_data_labels)
mat = vcat(Mat_Label, Mat_Unlabel)
label = vcat(labels, unlabel_data_labels)
df = DataFrame(x = mat[:,1], y = mat[:,2], class = label)
println("drawing the plot.....Please Wait")
plot(df, x = "x", y = "y", color = "class", Geom.point)
function show_example(Mat_Label, labels, Mat_Unlabel, unlabel_data_labels :: Array{Float64,2})
iter_size = size(unlabel_data_labels,2)
num_size = size(unlabel_data_labels, 1) + size(labels,1)
mat = vcat(Mat_Label, Mat_Unlabel)
mat = repmat(mat,iter_size,1)
labels = repmat(labels,1, iter_size)
label = vcat(labels, unlabel_data_labels)
group = zeros(num_size * iter_size, 1)
for i = 1:iter_size
group[((i-1)*num_size+1):num_size*i] = i
df = DataFrame(x = mat[:,1], y = mat[:,2], iteration = vec(group), class = label[:])
println("drawing the plot....Please Wait")
plot(df, x = "x", y = "y", xgroup = "iteration", color = "class", Geom.subplot_grid(Geom.point))